Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Eleven (11) is our Lucky Number

       Our days of wondering when we will leave are over.  We're now acceptable to the Peruvians with visas in hand, having arrived on - you guessed it - Oct 11, 2011.  With less than a week left, we'll be in the Mission Training Center on Monday next, that's October 17th.  Following our training there, we fly to Lima on Friday Oct 28, 2011 to begin our work. 

        Since we have an advance team on the ground in Lima we have been ever so fortunate to learn of our apartment being secured and ready for our arrival.  We'll be living about 2 miles from the Lima Temple in an area known as La Molina.  The apartment is on the 7th floor.  There is plenty of space fully furnished including soft goods like pillows, blankets, plus pots and pans, chairs, tables and a bed.  

         Within the next sixteen days minus ten in training etc, we decide what we can't live without for the next two years.  In Peru, our weeks are five days in the Temple and two days on our own. Each day working is either early (6am - 2:30pm) or later (1pm - 9:30pm).  Our assignments on each shift continue for a couple of weeks then we change.  Either assignment is good.  We like the variety of assignments as we assist worthy members who attend.  The Temple is open Tuesday through Saturday.  Sunday and Monday are our weekend.  We'll wear casual clothes when we're not attending Sunday meetings or in the Temple.  Our time will then be ours to learn Peru.

         Work in the Temple means that our clothing is all white,  suits for the hombres and dresses for the mujeres.  Because we are all one family in our devotion to our Savior, we generally refer to men as 'brother' (hermano) and to women as 'sister' (hermana).  Everyone working together for good things, no distinctions or distractions, makes life simpler.  Having so many in our family makes us feel like we belong and are useful.   Having a singular focus of devotion to God brings ultimate joy.  Life may never be without challenges but the growth in all aspects of living will be exceptional as we work together.  

Our first visit to Lima was May of 2007.  We traveled first to Lima directly through Atlanta then on to the Cusco region (Machu Picchu) for a week.  Cusco is East and South on hours by air in the midst of the Andes. Meeting the people, sampling the food and experiencing the ancient culture made us anxious to learn more.  We learned about the need for couples to work in the Temple back then.  Our thoughts were very positive. In life, anything is possible if you put your heart into it.  Now we are locked in and going.  Seasons won't vary much nor will with length of days.  Time zone adjustment isn't much either since we'll be on EST.  No daylight savings time when you're on the Equator or just a little south of it.  Ciao for now.  (ciao por ahora) 

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to following your blog. Best to you both--you are both an inspiration. Abracos a voces.
