Tuesday, January 1, 2013

 Each Christmas we enjoy a meal with all the employees of the Temple department in Lima.  These men and women work cheerfully and tireless maintaining the Temple interior and exterior 4.5 acres of landscaping.  Our luncheon is held in a Brazilian Rodezio in La Molina near the Temple.  Christmas decorations bring the season alive sparing no effort to present the area in a completely festive mood.  Several parties convened at the same locations adding to the 35 people in our group.  
 Carlos is a custodian.  He is very friendly but shy so I try to talk to him every time I see him.  I don't think he interacts too much with the other employees and goes about his work.  Details make all the difference in cleanliness in humid climates.  Because mold grows readily, constant attention is required to keep it managed.  Carlos has a schedule he keeps every single day.  
Bishop Jose Flores is a young energetic leader of our ward.  Working at the Temple we see him most days as he cheerfully manages the thousands of details in his work.  About a year ago I needed his computer expertise managing my laptop.  Between him and a ward friend, John Tengono I was able to limp along until I could get my hard drive replaced.  Electronics are our life line to family and friends, so we're indebted to all those who provide and assist in managing our connections.  We
 The director of Registradores is Marco Aguilar.  He knows more than anyone about the process of making sure the names submitted for ordinances are complete in their need for detail.  He also schedules the work of all other assistants.  Each of these great people also serve in ward leadership as bishops or stake leaders.  These geographical groupings require much leadership.  The growth of the Church in Peru is great exceeding 500,000 members most of which live in Lima and other coastal areas.  Service is significantly comparable to that throughout the world.  Donated hours per person exceeds 20 per week.  With all that is required attitudes are still very positive.
 These two men also work in their wards or stakes in significant voluntary positions.  They give of themselves and all their talents in everything they do. We are so privileged to associate with them.  And they teach us many good things pertaining to language or process.  These man are a solid as any in our experiences over these many years.  One big challenge they have in working in this Temple is that of managing an older and so well used facility.  One person doing an audit of the Temple called it a 'very tired' Temple.  Its so much more than a building because of the purpose and dedication for which it was built.  Yet, over time the newness gives way to the extensive use and maintenance becomes a major use and cost factor.

Because of the geographical location, this Temple cannot be totally renovated.  Such a process is very long and involved and would cause a great break in the Temple attendance continuity

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