Monday, May 7, 2012

Fall in Lima - April 2012

Our service in the Lima Temple has reached the six months mark.  Time can pass much too quickly here because of the involvement and consistency of the work.  We have finally been allowed to move into the Temple housing.  This project of construction was begun almost two years ago and has experienced some delays.  Yet today we still feel the incompleteness of the project.  We are hopeful it will be finalized completely by the maintenance break in late July.  Our first housing situation was unique for missionaries.  We shared a church-owned apartment with another couple for about 4½ months then in mid March we were allowed to occupy the finished but unfurnished apartments.  Working full time in the Temple means that you have a schedule to keep full time.  Without our own transportation we were at the mercy of public means.  Taxi, bus or feet were the options.   We either had the AM or the PM schedule depending on the week.  

Because it was easier on each couple to not share the apartment every hour away from the Temple, we alternated schedules and never worked the same schedule.  AM schedule starts at 6:45am and ends at 2:00pm while the PM schedule begins at 1:15 ending at 9:00pm generally.  Because of the volume of patrons and missionaries that attend the Temple each week, our schedules can change.  Many weeks we work more hours and occasionally when no patrons come, we work a slightly shorter one.  
Because of the sacredness of the Temple we will only share experiences that don’t cross into that area.  There are presently six couple missionaries.  One couple is from Peru and the others are from the USA.  Husbands and wives work the same schedule.  We greet the patrons when they first arrive, assist them with questions and location, help them as they perform the ordinances and assist with the general running of the Temple.  

Those who attend are recommended members who have never been to the Temple as well as experienced Temple attendees.  We are co-workers with many native members.  It takes a minimum number of people, both men and women to operate the Temple.  In Lima that number is about 30 but this is a small Temple.  Other Temples require as many as 125 workers plus full time staff.  Besides those who work directly with patrons the Temple has employees who manage and operate the laundry, maintenance departments, grounds, security and recording areas.  This Temple has a grounds and maintenance / security team of 25 employees.  Everyone else including the president of the Temple is a volunteer.  

Since our service is full time, we hold no other callings in the local ward.  We attend FHE (family home evening) with a local group of expats once a month.  We do substitute teaching in Sunday school classes now and then.  Besides the 45 hours of full time work each week, we walk places, shop for groceries, cook, clean, explore and exercise.  We watch our health closely because there are lower health standards here than at home.  Water is usually not suitable to drink unless bottled.  This means we wash all the fruits and vegetables in a disinfecting solution before we consume them.  Everything gets a bath, even bananas and things normally peeled.  We (as senior couples) can go to movies while young elders and sisters can’t.  We have access to television such as it is here and we have internet connection.  Most of us are coupled to our devices for access to our family.  We have an internet telephone and can call home at will or receive phone calls just like we were at home.  

We roam the areas looking for unique foods and goods.  Peru is noted for its handicrafts.  People here are very resourceful and talented. They work until they die because they have no social security.  Many are self employed operating kiosks and small grocery stores.  One can buy almost anything on the street from soda pop to clothing.  Shops can be anywhere but generally they congregate like merchandise on the same street selling the same product.  Tires, mufflers, plumbing goods, lumber, and clothing will be lined up next to their competitor for blocks.  Sales techniques are distinctly different from home.  

Many places where people congregate become targets for scam artists and pick-pockets so security is important.  We generally take a security person to watch our backs when we shop.  They know the areas and know what to watch out for while we can focus on just shopping or talking to people.  But we are aware we need to be careful.  We never eat food sold on the street.  It is very plentiful but likely contains a bug or two that could give your tummy a run so we avoid it all.  We do eat in established restaurants.  Food choices are not the same as at home.  Some of the familiar places exist here but their product is distinctly different.  Some is better and some not.  McDonalds, KFC, Chili’s, Burger-King, Dunkin-donuts all exist here with a product produced in not so clean environments or less than total care.  

The expats all share the names of the respected business places, be they for food or merchandise.  We connect on many levels outside of our service or church affiliation.  Grocery stores are modern but limited in selection.  Local mom & pop stores are also everywhere if all you want is the simple soda or cookie.  Labor is cheap so plenty of people work but their efforts are not as organized as we experience at home.  But, like home most of the workers are young.  Their paycheck is low due to the volume of the labor force but their work ethic is good.  Overall, customer service is lower for some reason. As with any place of business, unless you own it, service is different.   Management seems to be inconsistent. We talk to the workers when we have questions about products or we can’t find things. While they try to help us, they usually don’t know how.  Not too many people speak English so we’re talking to them in Spanish. 

Talking with Latinos in their language is different than we had expected.  While we freely admit to being nuevos to this language, we can communicate reasonably well on general issues.  They often look at us before we speak and register this ‘gringo’ block look.  Some freeze and don’t say anything before we open our mouths and others freeze after we speak.  We wait for that to thaw then try again.  We use simple words we know are correct.  Once they warm up to us they are able to reply with less fear.  The proof of their comfort is when they begin to joke with us, which many now do.  Many see my last name and call me Simpson.  Well, they get the first part right. 
Another interesting development is the Peruvian concept of time or timeliness.   

Working with them is both fun and educational.  Most natives are tardy for many reasons.  While they have watches and clocks they don’t own cars.  Getting around is done by bus or taxi.  Generally the people have far less to spend than gringos and are more guarded with their money so they use the inexpensive bus system.  Costs range from 50 – 100 centimos (100 centimos = S/. 1 sole).  One sole is about 37.5 cents in US coin.    Riding the bus is unpredictable time wise.  To ride and be on time can be really tricky because of the varying traffic.  Many obreras and obreros (workers) arrive later than they would like.  They scurry like little mice to get to their posts.  Other reasons for being tardy include their concept of time itself.  Most are very relaxed in their work because they are farmers or self employed in small shops or kiosks.  Because they have few real time demands it’s just not in their thought process to be on time.  What is ‘on time’ anyway?  When people are congregated it is necessary to coordinate our time use but since many of these people don’t congregate more than at Church, they just don’t have that process of clock watching and being on time thing working.  

One more interesting thing is the difference in recreation.  Peru is generally not a place of entertainment.  While people do go to movies, it’s not an overwhelmingly default process like at home.  Most of the young people are involved in family activity or school events.  Soccer is a common recreation along with school work.  Kids spend more time with their family than I’m used to seeing.  This means good things but not necessarily that the youth don’t have great influence on each other or don’t get together as much.  The girls giggle constantly when they are together, just like all 13 year olds and the guys try hard to look manly.  The thing that is so much the same is the way the kids influence each other in good ways.  I’ve always loved the way our youth embrace the goodness in life, the gospel and good habits.  This means to me that they have examples of such goodness around them, in their homes and from other adults.  

We’ve had changes in our ward leadership last week.  A counselor was released and replaced by an equally great man.  Both these men are gringos working in Peru.  The expats (gringos) usually work either at the Embassy or for the Church or a US company.  Many have known each other from other places outside the US.  The incoming counselor to Obispo Flores was in Brazil before moving to Peru and knew several other expats there.  Of course the last group of expats is the missionaries.  We have about 32 of us serving in everything from our assignment in the Temple to auditors, PEF, family history or presidencies of missions, Temple or the Area.  Our group isn’t in constant connection but we do share contact information and inform each other when changes or foreign issues arise.  

Our missionary ranks have taken on some changes with people finishing their service and others in the wings waiting for the paper work to process.  We’ve had visits with one couple from NW Arizona who have submitted their papers to be Temple missionaries.  Today will be the farewell lunch for the Ramos’s who extended their normal Temple missionary service a few months and will return to Areguipa Peru this week.  Percy Ramos is a wonderful Peruvian man who we’ve gotten to know fairly well.  He can be timid when we talk together but over time he’s gotten braver and now talks with me a lot.  

 Next Sunday is Mothers Day and we Elders are collectively preparing to grill for Sunday dinner.  Most of us are happy to be adding our grilling talents to the group.  With this endless supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, we feel like we live in the Jardín de Adán.  We’ll grill a combination fruits and vegetables along with a fine selection of Pollo, Carne, and Pesca along with maize and papas.  (chicken, beef and fish, corn and potatoes)  It will be fun to grill as we’ll be outside under cover from the sun with temperatures about 70.  

This brings me to the weather.  Peru is 12 degrees south of the equator.  The length of days is pretty level year round as are the temperatures.  Winter or summer constancy, if you can call it winter or summer, reflects the proximity to the equator.  Throughout all of Peru there isn’t much variation in temperature.  Generally that change is no more than 10 degrees from night time temperatures to seasonal ones.  Today for example our high will be about 75 with the low overnight was 70.  Because we live within a few miles of the sea, the humidity is constantly high – about 88%.  Nice soft skin but look out for mildew.  Drying cloths or anything is a time consuming task.   The sun is the real culprit to protect from.  I wear my panama hat everywhere when I’m going to be out for more than a few minutes.  The sun is so directly over head that UV rays can burn the skin easily.  As a contrast, the high today at home is 58 and the low is 28 with humidity in the 50’s.  
So,  I'll talk a little about being a missionary.  The experience is what you make of it.  Being a missionary is receiving an opportunity.  Nothing more will come unless we do something with this chance.   We must be more than onlookers with what are given.  Here is an example in real time life:
Sitting in the Geography class in school, I remember how fascinated I was when we were being taught all about the Dead Sea. As you probably recall, the Dead Sea is really a Lake, not a sea (and as my Geography teacher pointed out, if you understood that, it would guarantee 4 marks in the term paper!)

Its so high in salt content that the human body can float easily. You can almost lie down and read a book! The salt in the Dead Sea is as high as 35% – almost 10 times the normal ocean water. And all that saltiness has meant that there is no life at all in the Dead Sea. No fish. No vegetation. No sea animals. Nothing lives in the Dead Sea.

While the Dead Sea has remained etched in my memory, I don’t seem to recall learning about the Sea of Galilee in my school Geography lesson. So when I heard about the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea and the tale of the two seas – I was intrigued. The Sea of Galilee is just north of the Dead Sea. Both the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea receive their water from river Jordan. And yet, they are very, very different.

Unlike the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee is pretty, resplendent with rich, colorful marine life. There are lots of plants. And lots of fish too. In fact, the sea of Galilee is home to over twenty different types of fishes.

Same region, same source of water, and yet while one sea is full of life, the other is dead.. How come?
Here apparently is why. The River Jordan flows into the Sea of Galilee and then flows out. The water simply passes through the Sea of Galilee in and then out – and that keeps the Sea healthy and vibrant, teeming with marine life.

But the Dead Sea is so far below the mean sea level, that it has no outlet. The water flows in from the river Jordan, but does not flow out. There are no outlet streams. It is estimated that over a million tons of water evaporate from the Dead Sea every day. Leaving it salty. Too full of minerals. And unfit for any marine life.

The Dead Sea takes water from the River Jordan, and holds it. It does not give. Result? No life at all.
Think about it.
Life is not just about getting. It’s about giving. We all need to be more like the Sea of Galilee.
We are fortunate to get wealth, knowledge, love and respect. But if we don’t learn to give, we could all end up like the Dead Sea. The love and the respect, the wealth and the knowledge could all evaporate. Like the water in the Dead Sea.

If we get the Dead Sea mentality of merely taking in more water, more money, more everything the results can be disastrous. Good idea to make sure that in the sea of your own life, you have outlets. Many outlets.  For love and wealth – and everything else that you get in your life. Make sure you don’t just get, you give too. Open the taps. And you’ll open the floodgates to happiness.

Many people think of missionaries in unusual ways.  They think that real missionaries are people who are bent on conversion to their own, sounding a little selfish.  But it’s really more for those willing to let it be what it was designed to be.  My own son told me this about learning a new language.  His experience learning Portuguese proved successful only after he was willing to fully embrace it.  When we’re reserved in our commitments we don’t flourish and don’t grow with full purpose.  It’s like we’re not taking any chances just in case it doesn’t work.  Success as a missionary depends on a full purpose commitment.  Embracing a purpose means hugging it and not letting go.  Some are visitors to this work and others are missionaries with full purpose, embracing the work.... of giving.  It’s a process of learning who you really are.  How much you love yourself reflects in how much you love others.  Those content with themselves are easy going and easy to talk with because they aren’t worried about making a big impression but instead rely on their love to carry the message. 

How do you know if you’re a missionary or a visitor?  It’s a little like the answer to this question – How do you know when you’re humble?  If your answer is in favor of ‘humble’ or ‘missionary’ maybe you need to keep working on the answer.  If the answer doesn’t occupy your actions perhaps there is hope for you.  You have loftier ambitions than keeping score and are living it by loving.  We have the supreme example of loving in the Savior.  He asked his disciples to give of themselves.  To care for the poor and the needy and to minister to those in need.  He promised us that in return for our unconditional love, He would fulfill both our wants and our needs.  I’ve always felt this promise was conditional.  If we would embrace the process of loving unconditionally we would be worthy of unconditional things.  Putting conditions on our devotion to service or our sharing or our giving seems to stifle the process that was otherwise designed by God.  

Being in the service of helping others is so much different from struggling for a living.  While we all need encouragement that, which came to me during my career, was so conditional.  This (missionary) work is more a process of ‘becoming’.  What is this ‘becoming’ thing?  It’s about a change from something ‘before and past’ more limited, to something changed and unlimited but new and within my reach.  

We’re each a little less adequate than we’d like to be.  In my case it was born of a harsh early upbringing.  When we’re more demanding of others than we are of ourselves we produce in them a feeling of inadequacy.  Youth can be very impressionable and for a young person, overcoming missteps that can be a lifelong process.  Discovering ‘who we really are’ comes into focus in the crucible of adversity.  So this work is a crucible of sorts.  It really helps to be fully engaged, without reservation.  Trust in God is vital.  Trust in his purposes and in his plan for our happiness is essential to self discovery.  This discovery can unleash the potential lying within each of us.  Realization of our potential breathes into your being the life changing goodness we all require.  Once we can breathe, we can do better and do more.  

And so, being a missionary is individualized in its approach but unified in its purpose which is to promote the goodness of life through living the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which he received from his Father – our Heavenly Father.  If we know to whom we pray, we can connect better.  We can be more purposeful when we know the direction and the principles.  We can help others with their challenges by loving the way Jesus loved, as nearly as we are able.  We can feel empowered to be involved in goodness, to promote good things, sound ideas, strength in our homes and in our communities.  We can realize that our contribution means something.  Every little action we take for good counts.  Our example is our best teacher and often the most help to others.  

Being a missionary in a foreign country is an added level of commitment because of communications and customs which differ.  Once we make the connection of trust and love, the communication is enabled and effective.  Getting to that level takes courage and effort for everyone.  Encouraging others comes into play.  Overcoming selfishness by wanting to be near family as much as we’d like is needed.  We have found that our family loves us just as much wherever we are.  They take a bigger interest in us when we’re doing these things.  We all make an extra effort to connect because we are so far away.  

We are on the Lord’s errand especially as Temple missionaries, trying our best to be good examples of His love to others.  A careful reading of the scriptures reveals that the Lord did not tell all things to all people. There were some qualifications set that were prerequisite to receiving sacred information. Temple ceremonies fall within this category. 

We do not discuss the temple ordinances outside the temples. It was never intended that knowledge of these temple ceremonies would be limited to a select few who would be obliged to ensure that others never learn of them. It is quite the opposite, in fact. With great effort we urge every soul to qualify and prepare for the temple experience. Those who have been to the temple have been taught an ideal: Someday every living soul and every soul who has ever lived shall have the opportunity to hear the gospel and to accept or reject what the temple offers. If this opportunity is rejected, the rejection must be on the part of the individual. 

The ordinances and ceremonies of the temple are simple. They are beautiful. They are sacred. They are kept confidential lest they be given to those who are unprepared. Curiosity is not a preparation. Deep interest itself is not a preparation. Preparation for the ordinances includes preliminary steps: faith, repentance, baptism, confirmation, worthiness, a maturity and dignity worthy of one who comes invited as a guest into the house of the Lord. 

We must be prepared before we go to the temple. We must be worthy before we go to the temple. There are restrictions and conditions set. They were established by the Lord and not by man. And, the Lord has every right and authority to direct that matters relating to the temple be kept sacred and confidential. 

All who are worthy and qualify in every way may enter the temple, there to be introduced to the sacred rites and ordinances. 

The covenants and ordinances performed in the Temple are meant to strengthen families  bringing them together to promote peace and understanding throughout the world.  In the Temple, faithful people of all races make promises to be truly better people through covenants with God.  They are taught of God’s plan for happiness.  They begin to understand more of the mysteries of heaven.  They receive inspiration about their own life and find answers to difficult challenges in their own lives.  They receive comfort as they work through these challenges.   

Revealed truth is shared concerning where we come from, why we are here on earth and what we can expect in the years ahead.  We learn that ‘time’ on earth is a time of trial and testing to help us.  We learn the importance of maintaining high standards and of the possibility of being forgiven for wrongs as well the importance of being forgiven of what we’ve done wrong.  We also learn about the value of forgiving others.  Hopefully we come away from visits to the Temple with a renewed resolve to be better and more accountable. 

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